All chiropractors and healthcare providers are not created equally! Selecting your health care provider is an important decision. At Luquette Chiropractic our motto is simply stated "Listen intently, find out what you need, then make sure we deliver." Our committment to our patients is to provide top quality care specifically targeted to your unique needs in a convenient and cost effective way. You will receive affordable, gentle, effective, and safe chiropractic care from our doctors and professional staff. Dr. Luquette and our professional team practices "present time consciousness" and has an excellent rapport and reputation with our patients for being attentive and listening intently. We believe good communication eliminates confusion and gets you better results, faster, with less costs. You'll receive direct, one-on-one time and attention within 10 minutes of your scheduled appointment time. We respect your time and wouldn't think of asking you to wait. Efficiency and respect for your time is as important to us as it is to you. When Dr. Luquette and our staff treat you, you'll find that everyone is completely focused on you and your needs. We schedule efficiently so our doctors and professional staff are not "hurried" and focused on getting to the next patient. Since we are consistently voted by Nacogdoches residents as "The Best of Nacogdoches", our office is busy; however, we are efficient and attentive! Dr. Luquette will provide personalized treatment options specifically tailored to your needs, goals, and budget constraints as needed. Your condition and treatment options will be fully explained. Your treatment plan will be determined by you and the doctor based on your goals and options. Unlike conventional medicine, which focuses on attempting to treat disease once it occurs, Dr. Luquette emphasizes improving your health in an effort to reduce the risk of pain and illness in the first place. Our goals for your chirorpactic and wellness plan include elimination of pain, symptom control, restoration of function, activity tolerance, and establishing a self care home-based program for prevention of recurrences. Most people would rather be healthy and avoid illness, if they could. This is one of the main reasons for the big surge in the popularity of our wellness center.
For some, Dr. Luquette will take them back to a place that is cozy and familiar, offering a rediscovery of health and wellness that had been previously known but long lost. For others, the journey may offer a new center, one never before experienced.
People are recognizing the benefit of seeking an alternative to traditional medicine; one that will help them achieve and maintain optimal health. Please take the time to meet the doctor, team, and our wellness network dedicated to helping you achieve your wellness objectives. To fully understand the nature of your health, we recommend you join our free website membership program. As a patient at Luquette Chiropractic Clinic, we will personally tailor a treatment and wellness program specifically targeted to your needs using the least invasive yet highly effective techniques and services.